The Biggest SEO Myths You Should Never Believe

Hundreds of ranking criteria are known to us. They are impacted in many ways.

Similar to this, there are countless SEO myths.

The high-level falsehoods listed below are frequently spread by agencies, brands damaged by poor SEO tactics, and others.

We won’t get into the details of keyword stuffing, meta descriptions, the best search engines to optimize for (Google!), an overall digital marketing plan, bounce rates, or other related topics.

The most pervasive and easily disproven SEO myths are listed here.

1. Links are irrelevant

One of the most important elements in Google is still PageRank.

PageRank is solely focused on developing links. It is the basis of Google’s popularity model.

It’s the one aspect of Google that’s hard to manipulate on a large scale, in contrast to content.

There is no avoiding it.

Whatever becomes the popular SEO subject of the day, artificial intelligence, voice search, wearables, etc., doesn’t matter.

The best data point Google has for determining how well-liked something is online links.

That will be true for as long as there is a web.

2. Content is not important

Our strongest indicator of relevance is content, not links, which Google uses to determine authority.

Most of the time, content instructs Google, which searches to rank your site for. Links (primarily) serve as a simple ranking signal to Google.

Even though “content is dead” and “links are dead” are still two of the most used search engine optimization catchphrases, It is doubtful this is all that contentious. Nevertheless, it bears repeating remarkably at the same moment. The explanation is quite straightforward.

Too many scam artists have a stake in making you think SEO is simpler than it actually is.

Naturally, they’ll try to sell you links if they’re not skilled in producing, discussing, or writing content. As also, the opposite is accurate.

3. SEO is a one-time task

There are two SEO paradigms.

You typically see the first from SEO software providers and creative agencies.

In the real world, SEO consists of a few basic best practices. The number of things you can correctly identify with a quick, mindless audit is 10 or 20.

This is how you must approach a new website you are creating. If not, you’re never finished and prepared to launch.

However, if you treat SEO as a competitive endeavor, you will never be finished.

You always have a chance if, as we discussed, 10,000 different factors impact Google.

That is true up until the point where your website dominates page 1 of every search engine result that could help you.

10s or 100s of thousands of different keyword variations often make up this.

It’s not certain that someone will rank higher than you on Google.

A mathematical equation is involved. And you have control over almost all of its influencing factors.

4. The organic ranking will improve while using Google Ads

This is one that PPC companies frequently mention.

It is untrue. At the very least, as per Google.

One may argue that showing up in both advertisements and organic search results increases clickthrough rates.

This study’s source is obviously biased, but they claim that purchasing their advertisements could have that effect.

The disputed ranking element of the click-through rate has some indisputable support. However, there is no proof that Google Ads will actually raise your organic search rank.

Frequently asked questions:

Is SEO still relevant in 2022?

With the necessity for continual study into what works mixed with the reality that SEO still delivers greater commercial outcomes for business websites and their owners in 2022, it is still important as a digital marketing strategy, but even more so as a valued service and a meaningful career.

Why is SEO not dead?

Even now, SEO is still a very effective digital marketing tactic. As Google modifies its algorithm, SEO will inevitably alter, but that is to be expected. Now is a fantastic time to start if you are thinking about SEO for your website.

Do page views affect SEO?

Page views as a ranking component, however, is an SEO myth that has long been discredited. Page views don’t directly affect search rankings, but they do have an impact on other user engagement criteria that do.

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